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April 19, 2017

How to rent a flat in Omsk and what you should to keep in mind

Every businessman or traveler some day run into a dilemma: where to stay in the other city or country? Rent a flat or book a hotel room?

Many people these days choose a flat for rent. And there are so many reasons to do it. So there are so  many nuances which you should keep in mind when you rent a flat in Omsk.

There are two main ways to rent a flat in our country. There are real estate agencies which can offer apartments and other objects for a long term. Also, there are self-employed and LLC types of companies, which provide the apartments for rent kind of service. These companies are absolutely legal, they pay taxes, and provide all the necessery documents.

You should choose a flat for rent beforehand. You can do it easily using the Internet, and, for example, this online service.

You can save your money choosing “econom” type of apartment. But this rule works when you stay in the city for one or two days. For the long term living you should better choose “standart” or “business” type.

If you would like to conclude an agreement, read the text very carefully, and discuss all the possible additional payments. Check all the home appliances at your first visit.

Vacation flats and apartment rentals in Paris

Some of us prefer to travel in groups with pre-booked hotels and excursions with guide. But some people dream about holidays without limits or schedule.

Vacation flats in Paris are realy very popular among experienced tourists. You can find a flat in Paris in the Internet, but you should start to search beforehand. There are  many advantages of the apartments rentals in France.  You save your money, cook the meal, and have no limits in amount of guests.

Also, you should not worry about being cheated. Apartment rentals in Paris is very legal type of business.

As in Russia, you can rent a flat with help of self-employed companies or LLC companies. The rent agreement also can help you to get your visa.

There are several features you need to know about apartments rentals in Paris. First of all, every district in Paris has a subway station, so you will not have any problems with traffic or traveling between districts. Secondly, payments for the electric power, the Internet, cleaning will be charged separately.

There are 20 districs in Paris, and the price for rent depends on the choosen district. There are some descriptions of each dictrict:

1st – Louvre, La Samaritaine, a lot of tourists

2nd – industrial district

3rd – fashion boutiques

4th – Notre Dame de Paris, a lot of tourists

5th – the most expensive for living district

6th, 7th, 8th -  Eiffel towel, Champ de Mars, Champs-Élysées

9th – Galeries Lafayette

10th – not safe in the dark

11th – a lot of night clubs, Place de la Bastille

12th – a lot of shops and boutiques

13th – asian district

14th –  Montparnasse Tower

15th –  wealthy and middle-class district

17th – sleeping quarters

18th –  Moulin Rouge, Montmartre

19th, 20th – sleeping and industrial districts

Flats in Prague: Apartments for rent in Prague

Visitors of this wonderful city are advised to rent a flat not to book a hotel room. Hotels in Prague are expensive, but service is not so high as price is. So if you would like to spend your holiday in Prague you should better to rent an apartments.

Before you will start to search a flat, you should know some nuances. There are apartments without kitchens which are very popular in Prague. This is non typical apartment type for Russia, but it’s normal for Europeans.  There are kitchen unit with all necessary household appliances in one of the separate rooms. Such flat is indicated as “+kk” type.  Also, there are apartments with the separate kitchen, and this is a “+1” type. For example, apartments with three bedrooms and separate kitchen will be indicated as “3+1”; and a flat with two bedrooms and kitchen unit will be shown as “2+kk”.

There are 22 districts in Prague, and the 1st is the central district, and so on until the last district and outskirts. So you can choose the district where you will rent a flat by this guideline.

Districts from 1 to 8 are the historical part of the city, aslo known as old Prague. The rest is located away from the downtown.  District 6 is the Russian district. District 4 is located near the center and it’s full of green, but there is no subway station. District 8 has the best transportation, but there are a lot of tourists here.

Rental Amsterdam – apartments for rent in Amsterdam

Rent a flat in Amsterdam is not so easy, but it is possible. There is the biggest housing shortage in the capital of the Netherlands. Cheap and good flats are always unavailable, so you need to start searching the appropriate flat a few months before your trip to Amsterdam. Anyway, to rent a flat is much cheaper than book a hotel room. This rule works around the world.

Land is very expensive in the Netherlands. The reason is that it is simply not enough. For the construction of residential buildings were allocated small plots of land so flat finish building breadth. Somewhere to the left and to the right somewhere, right at home abroad - its outer walls. Stairs in such houses are very narrow. Furniture or large appliances pick up on the ropes to the outside of the house, because it simply will not fit in the stairway. If you don’t like such national point, you can find an apartment in a conventional high-rise building. But these high-rise buildings will be  located mostly in a bad neighborhood, such houses in Amsterdam - the lot of the poor.

Given that the water in the city is much more than land, houseboats are very popular in Amsterdam. This is a full house which is also available for rent. Today it is a separate category of property, which also has a class differences, features and rules. Poor people live in ramshackle boats, rich people live in chic double-decker boats. Houseboat need to be registered, owner need to pay for parking, clean water, gas and electricity. Although you can connect illegally to all the communications, and in the case of police control, you can just go and sail to the other river side. Many citizens live that way. When you rent a houseboat, make sure that all communications are legal, otherwise the local police will visit you.

Another standard rule, which is the same in all cities and capitals around the world: if apartment is located closer to the center, the price is more expensive. In Amsterdam, 9 administrative districts of the 15 existing are central. Therefore, if you would like to visit some monuments of architecture you will not have any problems. The old part has all the most famous attractions of Amsterdam, including the Red Quarter. The new part is known for advanced traffic jams and street trading. East Park, Indian district, the Jewish district - disadvantaged areas, with a large crowd of beggars and vagabonds. Old South - the most comfortable area, but it is very difficult to find an apartment for rent. New south - an area for poor pensioners, very green and calm. Old West - extremely prestigious area. Pipe - Bohemia and intellectuals. Necklace of channels - this is the place where you can look for a houseboat.

Rent a flat in Berlin

If you would like to visit Germany, the searching for an apartment for rent can be trusted to real estate agencies, or you can try to do it yourself through the Internet. The prices on the market are governed  by municipality of each German county, so you will even be able to challenge the price of a landlord. If you are not agree with the price you can challenge it. Thus, you are protecting your rights, and can even use the services of a lawyer!

Fixed price is set for apartment rental. Electric power, Internet, heating and telephone should be paid separately. if you are looking for a flat for a long term you will pay for the street cleaning. Also you should to conclude an agreement with the owner and provide your bank account. It means that you are able to pay for the rent.

When you rent a flat in Russia you can be sure that nobody knows about you and where do you stay. There is a bit different in Germany. You should meet with all your neighbors.

During the time which you will live in a rented apartment, you'll be its official tenant, and your rights will be protected by the company of the same name. However, conflicts between the owners and tenants are quite rare in Berlin.
If your stay in Berlin for the winter months, be prepared to remove snow and ice in front of the house. And you need to approach this with the utmost seriousness. Any accident which can happen after your duty can cause responsibility.